Special message regarding COVID-19

OAL Approves Cal/OSHA Temporary Emergency Standards

December 1, 2020


The Office of Administrative Law has approved Cal/OSHA’s temporary emergency COVID-19 safety standard.  The new temporary order, General Industry Safety Order Section 3205 directs employers (effective immediately) to create, implement, and maintain a written COVID-19 Prevention Program (as part of an IIPP or a standalone document) addressing multiple COVID-19 safety concerns.  Additionally, COVID-19 testing will be required when a worksite experiences an outbreak or multiple infections.

The temporary standard is expected to be in place for six months, unless renewed for up to two consecutive 90 day periods.

Count on Hanna Brophy’s Cal/OSHA team to provide an analysis shortly.

Read the DIR News Release here:  https://www.dir.ca.gov/DIRNews/2020/2020-99.html

A one page fact sheet issued by Cal/OSHA can be found here: one-page fact sheet




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