Special message regarding COVID-19

Cal/OSHA Unanimously Adopts Temporary Emergency Standards

November 20, 2020

Cal/OSHA has unanimously approved temporary emergency COVID-19 safety standards.  These temporary emergency standards, if approved by the Office of Administrative Law “OAL”, will likely come into effect at the end of this month.  It is expected that if approved by the OAL, the temporary standards will apply to a majority of California’s workforce that are not already covered by the Aersol Transmissible Diseases standard.

The new temporary emergency standard will require employers in California to create a written COVID-19 Prevention Plan to address multiple COVID-19 safety concerns.

The Office of Administrative Law has 10 calendar days to approve the emergency temporary standards.  If approved, count on Hanna Brophy to provide an update and analysis.

For further information, please see the DIR announcement here:  https://www.dir.ca.gov/DIRNews/2020/2020-98.html


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